Working life ain't simple any more
There was a time when you worked hard and merely did what your boss told you to do. In return, your employer looked after you, and you just carried on working hard until you received your gold carriage clock on retirement. But that simple career path is dead now. There are more threats in the world of work. Mergers and acquisitions as well as jobs being outsourced or offshored mean that jobs are that much more precarious. And flatter organisations mean fewer promotions - and more of a bun-fight to get the few that remain. And these have turned the workplace into a minefield of treacherous personalities, unexploded resentments, and ticking egos. As an employee, how do navigate office politics and get ahead? As a manager or business owner, how do you groom your team and grow your business? For all of us, how do we succeed?
But there are more opportunities for bright people too. People are much more mobile in their careers - the talented people realise that they can seek bigger pay rises and greater responsibility by moving around. Or you could go freelance or set up your own business and try to make your first million (or your tenth). The world is literally your oyster.
Well the oyster that is your world of work is what this blog is about. As a business psychologist I get to work with a huge variety of people - from vice presidents in large investment banks and partners in law firms to managers in the public sector, owners of start-up media businesses, and even entrepreneurs before they've got their business plan sorted. So if you want to succeed - whether you're an employee or a manager, a job hunter or an entrepreneur - then this is the blog for you.
So I hope you'll come on this journey with me as I explore Murmurs and Musings about the World of Work. If you have any thoughts, let me know - leave me a comment.